“ALLin kitchen smell exhaust hood” – development of the prototype of a patent pending kitchen extractor hood of unbeatable effectivity based on the „Curty cookingsmell-STOPPER film” concept
Name of beneficiary of funding:
Brief presentation of content of the project:
The subject of the project was the development of an innovative, almost 100% efficient kitchen extractor hood (ALLin Kitchen Ventilation). The partial funding also provided a budget to launch the product on the market.
The technology of ALLin Kitchen Ventilation (allinkitchenventilation.com) comprises several patent pending IPR protected technical solutions in order for providing an almost 25% increase in eliminating kitchen odors compared to controlled and programmed aesthetically and in a modern way. The aim of our innovation was that, unlike existing fume extractor hoods, it would not simply function as a ‘noisy lamp’ mounted above the cooking space without any serious smell extractor effectivity. The goal was to make ALLin the pride of every kitchen as an effective yet aesthetic, “smart home” compatible device tailored on demand of the certain home / customer.
ID of the proposal funding call:
49.999.464 HUF